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Our work


Graphic Design

You think it and we make it happen. Our team of crafty designers use their gifts and expertise to create, recreate and bring life to your brand whether new, old or just experiencing a midlife crisis. #WeDoDesign
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Web Design & Development

We develop responsive WordPress websites, we offer hosting & support, we offer SEO (Search Engine Optimization), we offer E-Commerce website design and more. We do Websites, We do Digital. Work directly with our web designers and content creators to customise your website to take your brand further. #WeDoWebsites

Social Media Management

Is your brand online and if so, what are you telling people about your brand and what are they saying about you? We offer a full social media management solution through a dedicated social media account manager, who will devise a digital strategy, handle communication and ensure that your brand grows online.
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Marketing Strategy

“Failing to plan, is planning to fail.” We love getting to know your business and strategising to ensure that you are not only competitive in the market, but that you see your business grow. #WeDoGamePlans


Bring your brand to life and connect with your audience by telling your story through audio and visual presentation in a bite-size video. #WeDoVideos
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At TwoRedPens Marketing Agency, we love events and when we do them, we do them proper. Our team of events specialists ensure that whatever event we manage or create, is a memorable experience for the client and their guests. #WeDoEvents

Promotional Products

In need of branded clothing, pens, iPad covers, bags, earphones, contact our branding specialist for a quote on various innovative branding solutions. #WeDoBranding
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Outdoor & Indoor Branding

Need your brand exposed for the right reasons? Speak to our branding specialist to assist you with branding options that are cost effective and eye catching.

Facilitation of Printing

Need a flyer, a book, business cards or wedding invitations? Not only can we design any of these elements for you, but we can also offer printing at very competitive rates. #WeDoBranding
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Mom's Notes

Mom’s Notes is our flagship publication which is distributed to families in the Lowveld through secured distribution channels in the schools and a few distribution centres in the Lowveld. #WeDoMomsNotes


Let’s Start Something new Say Hello!

Get in touch and let us know how we can assist your brand to grow.

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